Delete a Facebook business page? So, you have decided to delete your Facebook page? whether you’re shifting your business, rebranding, or unable to manage. If you want to learn more about how to delete a Facebook page or deactivate a Facebook page, you will learn, and you will get knowledge about how to delete a Facebook page in this article.
First, you have to know how to delete a facebook business page or temporarily stop the Facebook business page. You don’t need facebook business page you can delete permanently else you need facebook business but stop temporarily for several reasons you canunpublish or deactivate facebook business page
Understanding Facebook Business Page
Difference between Deletion and Unpublishing facebook business page
Facebook will allow an admin to delete a Facebook page or unpublish it. Unpublish means the Facebook business page will be invisible to the public, but it can be restored to the Facebook business page, and it will be used. But you will delete the Facebook business page; it will be gone permanently after 14 days.
Can you recover the deleted a Facebook business page?
Once you delete a Facebook business page, Facebook gives you 14 days to cancel the deletion. If you do not cancel within 14 days, the page will be permanently deleted.
What are the requirements to Delete a facebook business page?
- You are be an admin of facebook business page.
- You have take a backup of Images, Videos and content.
- You have to access Meta Business suite. (if applicable).
The Process of Deleting a Facebook Business Page
- Login to Facebook: First, We have to login facebook account.
- Navigate the facebook business page: After login into facebook account you have to navigate facebook business page what you have to delete.
- Go to Page Settings: in the facebook business page left side panel haveing setting option.
- Delete a facebook Page: You have to go “your information” in that “Access & Control” Click that. In that haveing second option delete option will be there. Once you select the Delete option it will ask password then logout. Now the page will be deleted
What happens once you delete a facebook business page
- Facebook business page will be inaccessble to public.
- you have to chance a to restore within 14 days.
- After 30 days facebook business page will delete permenently.
Another way for facebook page deletion
- You can unpublish the facebook business page
- You can transfer the admin to another
- you can merge page with another
Recovering a deleted a facebook business page.
if you want to recover a deleted Facebook business page. You have time to recover within 14 days.